This section is used to create and view our company's customers.

New clients can be created from the app and from the Clients section of the back-office.

To create a customer, we will do it from the +New button

  • Name: Please enter the customer's name.

  • Phone: Enter the customer's telephone number.

  • Email: Enter the customer's email address.

  • Notes: Enter the customer's notes.

Note: The customer database is the same for the back-office as for the app. This way you can create customers on one side and they will be visible on the other side and vice versa. In addition, you can easily edit previously added information if it is wrong.


There are two methods to create a client from the app:

1. Create a client when creating the reservation.

To do this, once you have entered the name of the client, click on Add to Guestbook:

The following window will open, where we must fill in the customer data. Only the name and phone are mandatory fields:

Once the fields have been filled in, simply click on Done and it will be created.

2. Add a new client from an already created reservation.

If we want to add a client from an already created booking, we only have to click on the green arrow next to the name: