In the section Configuration we have the following options to customise:

  • Currency: Select the type of currency to be used.

  • Time division: Set the time interval for making reservations in the app and the widget.

  • Payment status in the booking: If we activate it, it shows the status of the payments in the list of bookings.

  • Send booking email: When enabled, an email is sent to the customer with the booking information.

  • Customer must confirm booking: Activate in case the customer must confirm the booking from the email. When activated, the booking is created in "Pending" status until the customer confirms it.

  • Customer can cancel the booking: When activated, a button is enabled in the booking email, so that the customer can cancel at any time. This action takes into account the cancellation policy.

  • Maximum occupancy percentage: We select the maximum occupancy percentage for each booking via the widget or other external booking solutions.

  • Max. people per booking: We enter the maximum number of people for each booking through the widget or other external booking solutions.

  • Don't exceed table limit: If enabled, bookings cannot exceed the capacity indicated by the selected tables.

  • Capacity per room: If activated, availability is calculated per room instead of globally for the entire restaurant. This option obliges the customer to choose a room in the widget.

  • Automatic table assignment: If enabled, when a reservation is created from the widget or another external channel, tables will be automatically assigned to the reservation, if available.

  • Cancellation policy: Select a cancellation policy for the application from the drop-down menu.

  • Seconds: Select the idle time to request the PIN code from the employee.

Once everything is configured, simply click Save.